Thursday, 24 March 2016

How to Start the Visual Administrator

For an ABAP + J2EE system (J2EE Add-In):
  • On Windows:
                    Run \usr\sap\<SAPSID>\DVEBMGS<xx>\j2ee\admin\go.bat.
  • On UNIX:
                   Run /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/DVEBMGS<xx>/j2ee/admin/go.

For a J2EE system:
  • On Windows:
                  Run \usr\sap\<SAPSID>\JC<xx>\j2ee\admin\go.bat.
  • On UNIX:
                  Run /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/JC<xx>/j2ee/admin/go.

The SAP J2EE Engine – Administration screen with the Connect to SAP J2EE Engine dialog box appears.

Note : Visual Administrator has included in NWA for Netweaver 7.1 and higher versions.

Reference to start visual administrator in windows system is below


How to activate ADS trace

Activating ADS Trace from Visual Administrator

Run the Visual Administrator for your J2EE engine.
Server -> services -> Log Configurator.
Then select ‘To Advanced mode’ and ‘Locations’ tab.
Root Location -> com -> sap -> engine -> services -> webservices -> server -> runtime -> com -> adobe_adobeDocumentServices -> AdobeDocumentServices and AdobeDocumentServicesSec
Please change this node to ‘ALL’, and save the configuration.
Modify the log severity for the following location also.
Root Location -> com -> adobe
Change severity to ‘All’, press ‘Copy severity to subtree’ and save configuration.
All ADS trace will be written in DefaultTrace of server node.
After finishing the test, don’t forget to change the log level back to ‘default’.


When this trace option is active, all business data (which will be embedded to PDF) will be recorded into default trace file. It is not recommend to activate this trace option on production server.
Please also clarify this point before providing the trace files to SAP customer support.

Reference SAP Note : 846610


Activating ADS Trace from NWA

Open SAP NetWeaver Administrator and choose Start of the navigation path Troubleshooting Next navigation step Logs and Traces  Next navigation step  Log Configuration 

Search for adobe and set the severity to ALL .
The system writes the trace entries of the Adobe Document Services runtime to the default trace file defaultTrace.trc

Search for Log Controllers
  1. From the Show dropdown box, choose Logging Categories or Tracing Locations , respectively.
  2. In the Category or Location field, enter a keyword to find the log controller(s) you need. Asterisk (*) is a valid entry.
  3. Choose Go .
    The search result displays a window with all the relevant log controllers. When you select some of them, it displays the log controller within the tree navigation.

Changing the Severity of a Log Controller
  1. In Logging Categories or Tracing Locations pane, from the tree structure, choose the log controller you want to configure.
  2. From the Severity dropdown box, choose a severity level.
  3. If you want this severity to be relevant to its children log controllers, choose Copy to Sub-Tree .
  4. If you want this changed reference for the children to be valid only for the current filter, choose Copy to Filtered Sub-Tree .
  5. To find all destinations assigned to the selected log controller on system level, choose Start of the navigation path System Configuration Next navigation step Destinations End of the navigation path.
  6. If you want to reset the severity of the selected log controller to its default value, choose Reset Category or Reset Location .
  7. Choose Save Configuration .

Note : If this severity level is lower than the default one, a warning window appears.

Restoring the Log Configuration
  1. Select the relevant log controller.
  2. Choose Default Configuration .
  3. Confirm your choice.

Note: The default severity for categories is INFO, and for locations is ERROR.

After the requested trace entries are written to the trace file, set the Severity back to value Error. Otherwise, it will impact the performance and generates deluge of trace files and may lead to server stop.