Tuesday, 31 December 2013

procedure for changing SID of SAP system

First Stop SAP - stopsap R3
DB Changes:-
Step 1:- Backup Control File to trace.
>sqlplus /nolog
>conn / as sysdba;
>Alter database backup controlfile to trace;
Control file trace will get created at the following location:-
Step 2:- Switch log files 4 times
 Alter system switch logfile;
Step 3a:- Shutdown database.
        shutdown immediate;
Step 3b :- Stop Listener - #lnsrctl stop
Step 4:- Copy the trace file to transfer location

Step 5:- Change the file system locations.
/oracle/ALD/sapdata1 to /oracle/ED1/sapdata1
/oracle/ALD/saptemp1 to /oracle/ED1/saptemp1
/oracle/ALD/oraarch to /oracle/ED1/oraarch
/oracle/ALD/origlogA to /oracle/ED1/origlogA
/oracle/ALD/origlogB to /oracle/ED1/origlogB
(Create ticket with linux only for the above file system mount point
& same ticket ask linux colleague to create 2 users oraed1 & ed1adm
same like oraald & aldadm with same group & permission)

As ALD is the directory inside mount point /oracle we do not need to change
mount point just change the directory to new SID name.
As /usr/sap/ALD is the directory inside mount point /usr/sap we do not need to change
mount point just change the directory to new SID name.
As ALD is the directory inside mount point /sapmnt we do not need to change
mount point just change the directory to new SID name.

Step 6a:- Make the changes in the trace file to create a new control file.
      change SID to New ED1 and save with .sql

Step 7:- Change the entries for listener.ora and tnsnames.ora with new SID.
Step 8:- Start listener.
listener start
Step 9:- Change init<SID>.ora file with new SID and make changes of SID and control file location in the init<SID> file.
Step 10 - check and change the env variable files sapenv_<hostname>.csh and dbenv_<hostname>.csh of ora<SID> and <SID>adm
Step 10:- login with oraed1.
>sqlplus /nolog
>conn / as sysdba;
>@/<New Control file location>/controlfile.sql
R/3 Changes:-
Step 1: Login with  <SID>sdm and check R3trans -d and correct it, if ends withRC other than 0000.
Step 2:- Make the folder change
Step 2a - check the links for profile,global and exe directory , and correct it if needed
Step 3:- Profile changes
Change profile ALD_DVEBMGS00_key to ED1_DVEBMGS00_key Make SID changes inside all 3 profiles.
step 4 : Changes sapms<SID> sntries in etc/hosts and etc/services file
Step : Start SAP


Monday, 30 December 2013

How to configure Early Watch Alert report

To configure Early watch alert some specific settings to be done at managing system (Solution manager system) and satellite system( or managed system – for which EWA report to be generated)
Following are the steps to configure EWA in a satellite system :

1)      Check whether latest versions of ST-A, ST-PI, ST-A/PI packages are installed in the managed/satellite system
(This check can be done going to system->status -> Component information display in any sap screen)

2)       If they are installed, run RTCCTOOL report from SE38 transaction code of satellite system.

Check the output of the report. If there are some errors or warnings in the output of the report, please take corrective actions and run the report again and ensure there are no errors

3)      Setup RFC connection between your satellite system and the solution manager system
An RFC connection can be made between 2 systems using Transaction code SM59
4)      Setup RFC connection between your solution manager and the SAP service market place

5)      Assign the solution monitoring roles to the users

6)      Setup your satellite system in a solution landscape of the solution manager(SMSY)

7)      Make sure SLD is configured and working fine for satellite system (using Rz70 and SLDCHECK transactions)

8)      Activation of SDCCN in satellite system (Goto SDCCN transaction. Then click on Utilities -> Activate)  then confirm for SDCC_OSS destination creation

9)      In satellite system, goto SDCCN transaction and navigate to Goto -> Settings -> Task specific.
In the resulted screen, select RFC destination and provide the solution manager RFC from the satellite system and set solution manager RFC as the master system.

10)   Addition of satellite system in solution manager system in SDCCN :

Goto SMSY transaction in solman system and then navigate to Environment -> Solution Manager Operations -> Adminstration SDCCN to add the new service data control centre to the solution manager.

Click on add system button to add the new SDCC to the solution manager. When prompted, please select the respective system and client from the resulting screen and confirm

11)   Early watch service session activation for satellite system:

In the solution manager system, execute transaction code solution_manager  and navigate to operations -> Earlywatch Alert and press create button. This prompts you to confirm the date and time to run the report. Please provide the details and confirm to trigger the generation of the report

12)   Login to satellite system, goto transaction code SDCCN and press create button which displays a screen to select a task to be executed. Select request session data task  and click continue. You will be prompted to enter the schedule time to run the report. Click now to execute it immediately. After that you can see an early watch session running in SDCCN.

13)   After completion of this session run successfully, an Earlywatch Alert will be generated and this can be viewed in Solution_manager of Solution manager system.


How to open Oss connection to SAP system

In real time scenarios, there will be cases like Basis administrator or functional teams could not resolve   some issues and have raised an Oss message. In those cases, SAP would like to troubleshoot the issue by connecting to the respective SAP system. So, SAP will request you to open an Oss connection to SAP system so that they can remotely login and check. In these cases, you need to open Oss connection (as explained below) and respond to SAP in Oss message to login to system and check.

Process to open an Oss connection:

In this article, am explaining how to open an Oss connection to an SAP system VE1.
Please login to the SAP service market place and navigate to Help & Support -> Connect to SAP.  This leads you to the below screen:

In the above screen, please click on “Maintain Connections” tab which is highlighted in the above figure.
It then lists all the systems recently used and gives an option to perform system search. Please look, if the system to which you would like to open oss connection is in recently used systems list. If it is exists, please click and open the same.

Otherwise, please perform system search by providing system id and by clicking “Search systems” button. In the above example, am performing system search for VE1, as I would like to open oss connection for this system. If that system is present it displays the system. Once displayed, please click on that system which results in below screen

In this screen, please make sure SAP router status is connected (highlighted in red). Otherwise, please click on connect button (highlighted in blue) and make sure sap router is in connected status.
After that, please click on “Systemdata” button (highlighted in green) which results in below screen.

Please click on “Maintain Access Data” button as shown in above figure.
This results in secure area screen as shown below. In this screen, if there are already oss connections opened to this system earlier, you can view those details. It displays the client, user id, password, expiration date, last changed on date and changed by user.

If you click on Modify button in the above screen, it results in the below screen.
From this screen, either we can modify existing oss connection or open new oss connection
If you would like to modify existing oss connection, select the respective line (figure highlighted with orange color) and click on “Change selected entry” and modify. You can do modification to an existing oss connection in the cases like you would like to change the password mentioned in the secure area or you would like to extend the expiration date/time of the existing oss connections.

 If you would like to delete oss connection details, select that entry and click on “Delete selected entry” tab to delete. We can delete this entry, if we feel that oss connection is no longer required.

If you would like to create a new oss connection, please provide the client, user id, password and expiration date details (as highlighted in the green color) and click save button.
Please note, user id   maintained here should exist in SAP system (in this example VE1 system) and password is the respective password of the same in the respective client.

Before maintaining credentials in secure area, please duly cross check by logging into respective SAP system and make sure they are working fine. By default oss connection will be opened for 14 days. If you wish, you can even extend the expiration date/time.


SAP Remote Basis Administration Service – Task List

Recommended daily tasks 
1. Check whether the systems are up 
2. Check whether the backups finished without errors 
3. Check for alerts in CCMS monitors 
4. Check for hanging or stopped work processes 
5. Check system log for errors/warnings 
6. Check whether any background jobs got canceled for any reason 
7. Check the lock entry list 
8. Look for any failed updates 
9. Check for users logins from unknown terminals/locked users 
10. Analyze program dumps 
11. Check for excessive swaps and buffer statistics 
12. Review Database performance 
13. Check database for space critical objects 
14. Check the average response times 
15. Check for OS level alerts 
16. Check CPU load and memory usage 
17. Review SAPDBA calendar job logs 
18. Check archive directory status 

Recommended weekly tasks 
1. Check database for free space 
2. Monitor tablespace growth 
3. Monitor total DB growth 
4. Clean up Spool 
5. Clean up transport buffers 
6. Run TemSe consistency check 
7. Review security audit log 
8. Check for adequate file system space 
9. Analyze Early Watch reports 

Recommended monthly tasks 
1. Cycle the R/3 system to defragment memory 
2. Analyze the database growth and plan for storage 
3. Review directory structure and need to move data files 
4. Cleanup old logs 

Recommended quarterly tasks 
1. User security overview 
2. Review SAP profile parameters 
3. Review the standard scheduled jobs 
4. Test the backup by restoring 
5. Archive the old transport files 
6. Maintain SAPDBA and database parameter files 
7. Review maintenance contracts for all hardware / software 
8. Check for usage versus licensing 

Recommended annual tasks 
1. Audit user security 
2. Audit profiles and authorizations 
3. Review user roles 
4. Maintain activity groups/profiles 
5. Cleanup clients in test/development systems 
6. Check workbench organizer settings
7. Refresh test system8. Simulate disaster recovery/failover testing 

Software maintenance (as needed)
1. Applying support packages 
2. Applying database patches 
3. Upgrading kernel 
4. Change Management /applying notes 

Additional services (as needed)
1. User Maintenance / Profiles creation and maintenance 
2. Printer definition maintenance 
3. Data archiving 
4. Technical Upgrades 
5. Server Migration


Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Steps to upgrade Kernel Version

OS AIX unix, Oracle database
1. Login as root
2. Make new backup directory cd / mkdir SIDkernel_10102012
3. Create latest kernel backup cp -pr /sapmnt/SID/exe/* /tmp/SIDkernel_10102012
4. Make new shadow kernel directory cd/tmp/ mkdir newkernel_201
5. Copy the new downloaded kernel files into /newkernel_201
6. Unpack the new downloaded kernel in folder /newkernel_201 SAPCAR -xvf SAPEXE_201-20005242.SAR SAPCAR -xvf SAPEXEDB_201-20005242.SAR
7. Login as <sid>adm
switch user su – <sid>adm
8. Stop the SAP System stopsap
9. Stop saposcol saposcol -k
10. Login as root
11. Go to the current kernel directory cd /sapmnt/<sid>/exe
12. Copy all extracted support packages into this folder cp -pr /tmp/newkernel/* /sapmnt/<sid>/exe
13. Copy back the original file saproot.sh into this folder. cp -p /tmp/SIDkernel_10102012/saproot.sh /sapmnt/<sid>/exe
14. Go to the current kernel directory cd /sapmnt/<sid>/exe Then run: ./saproot.sh <sid>
15. Login as sidadm su – <sidadm>
16. Start the saposcol service saposcol
17. Start the SAP system startsap
Kernel upgrade completed.


Incase if you get the below error while starting SAP
Starting Startup Agent sapstartsrv Could not open the ICU common library. The following files must be in the path described by the environment variable “LIBPATH”: libicuuc34.a, libicudata34.a, libicui18n34.a [nlsui0_mt.c 1544] pid =
Try the below steps: go to root ps -ef | grep sapstartsrv kill -9 <sapstartsrv pid> Load the instance and START profile through sapcpe below commands. su – <sidadm> sapcpe pf=/usr/sap/<sid>/SYS/profile/<SID>_DVEBMGS0_<hostname> sapcpe pf=/usr/sap/<sid>/SYS/profile/START_SCS05_<hostname>


Thursday, 5 December 2013

How to Delete a client with R3trans command

1. log into the client to delete 
2. go into SCC5 and delete client 
3. log into another client and delete entry with SCC4 
4. reorg database to recover database space. 

Actually, if you check "on" the little "Delete Entry from T000" checkbox, you can skip step 3.

One other way of deleting a client which could give significant performance gain and save time is at OS level using - R3trans 
To delete a client 200, you have to create a command file "del200" with following entries 

Client = 200 
Select * 

Place the command file in /usr/sap/trans/bin 

$ cd /usr/sap/trans/bin 

$ R3trans –w <log file name> -u 1 <command file name > 

e.g $ R3trans -w del200.log -u 1 del200 

To check the progress... 

$ tail -f del200 

Reorg the database post client delete 


Saposcol Is Not Running (Troubleshoot)

1) login as <sid>adm
2) check if your saposcol is running at unix level
ps -ef | grep saposcol
3) go to /sapmnt/NPD/exe
Check if saposcol file is existing
Check the owner and the permission of the file
To start SAPOSCOL with the command saposcol (or saposcol -l). 
Saposcol can run independent of the SAP system, so you can try to start it individually using:
Try to start saposcol with command saposcol -l
You can know status of the saposcol by saposcol -s and stop it by saposcol -k
Try to check, if you have cleaned up Share memory present in /usr/sap/tmp/dev_coll & try to get latest patch of SAPOSCOL.
Shared memory cleanup can be done as follows:

1) Login with the user <sid>adm and perform these steps
saposcol -d
Collector > clean
Collector > quit
saposcol -k to stop the collector.
Before restarting
saposcol -d
Collector > leave (You should get a message Shared memory deleted)
Collector > quit
cd /usr/sap/tmp
mv coll.put coll.put.sav
"coll.put" ,if this file contains the old shared memory and should be deleted in order to get a clean start. Please look at the SAP Note 548699 and follow point 7 very carefully:

If you are unsuccessful in clearing shared memory, please try the following commands to clear the shared memory:
$ saposcol -kc
$ saposcol -f

If this doesn't work, then try:
cleanipc 99 remove on the O/S level (Check note #548699 first)

4) If not you have to do a OS level restart to fix the issue.
Also check if new saposcol can be applied as per Note 19227